The 2009 Revision of the so called “Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Kindertageseinrichtungen” (GUV-V S2) includes a new paragraph regarding building and room acoustics. Whenever you build or refurbish a Kindergarten the room acoustic is a must have for the first time in Germany. It is no matter if it is a public or private Kindergarten the “Unfallverhütungsvorschrift” is obligatory.
The UVV-V S2 is linked to the “Regel Kindertageseinrichtungen” which describes which regulations you have to fullfill. The most important in this case is the german DIN18041-2004. But also a brochure “Noise in Educational Institutions“ from a working-group of the german federal agency for occupational work and saftey (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin) is mentioned.
This Brochure describes which acoustic values should be achieved based on research findings.The main goal should be an excellent speech intelligibility: The STI should be higher than 0.75 and the reverberation time should be reduced to a value under 0.5 seconds. As a practical solution for standard rooms the recommendation is an acoustic ceiling (on the whole ceiling) with a material of the highest absorption class A (DIN EN ISO 11654). Furthermore it is mentioned that there is no use for reflecting areas, because of the modern educational styles which are replacing the frontal teaching.
Please click here to download the brochure “Noise in educational premises”