A recent American survey conducted by the EPIC Hearing Healthcare, uncovered the scope of the problem for teachers specifically.
According to the report last September from EPIC Hearing Healthcare, 15 percent of teachers report a diagnosed hearing loss, compared to 12 percent of workers nationwide. That might not seem like a huge difference, but EPIC also found teachers between the ages of 18 and 44 reported a significantly higher rate of diagnosed hearing problems (26 percent) than the national average (17 percent). That 9 percent difference, EPIC says, is evidence that the work environment is a major contributing factor to teachers’ hearing problems and also suggests that noise exposure from their occupation could be contributing to hearing loss at a younger age among teachers.
EPIC (Ear Professionals International Corporation) Hearing Healthcare is the largest provider of hearing benefits in America based in California. It was founded in 1997 by a panel of ear physicians and healthcare industry executives with the common goal of expanding hearing healthcare horizons.
Another recent study by the Danish Centre of Educational Environment found that noisy indoor climates affect teachers’ work days and result in lower job satisfaction, increased fatigue and tiredness and a lack of energy and motivation among the teachers.