Acoustic design of schools: performance standards 2014 “The long awaited replacement to BB93, Acoustic Design of Schools, is most welcome; if you wish to respond, scroll to the end of the draft document for the 10 questions. You may consider a particular focus on the new open window natural ventilation calculation, guidance for sports halls, […]
Acoustics and sustainable building session at Euronoise
Building session Murray Hodgson chaired the interesting session focusing on sustainability. It is surprising that this subject and session were not bigger and perhaps also an indication of what still needs to be done to raise awareness and make sure acoustics give a higher standing in sustainable buildings. Perhaps an opportunity for the acoustical societies […]
Test Code for sound absorption measurements
CEN/TC 126, Building acoustics, has created a working group, WG 11, to develop Test Codes for suspended, acoustic ceilings. WG 11 started its work about a year ago with Nils-Åke Andersson from Saint-Gobain Ecophon as convener and has now about 15 participants from around Europe. The reason doing this work is the problems with differences […]
Meeting with the Acoustical Society of America.
On November 27th to December 1st 2007 the Acoustical Society of America held one of it’s two annual meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana. Interesting areas covered in the conference were Speech communication, Speech perception, Architectural Acoustics, Education in acoustics and Noise. Hot items in acoustics in US right now are privacy in healthcare and environmental […]