This summer the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) was held in London (23 – 27 July 2017). I already published a general blog post about it, and one post about office acoustics highlights (here). In this one, I dig into the world of healthcare acoustics. Below I compiled shortly the main content from the […]
New report finds that children with reading difficulties need to screened for hearing problems
A recent report by Coventry University has been highlighted by the Nuffield Foundation and links reading difficulties with hearing impairments. The Nuffield article writes: “The researchers believe that if there was more awareness of youngsters’ hearing problems – as well as an understanding of what particular aspects of literacy they struggled with – then the […]
If Carlsberg built a University and hosted an education conference, they would discuss the value for good acoustics…..”probably!”
Well, not only does the Campus have good acoustics but it was host to the Annual European Education Research Association conference where acoustics was indeed a key part of one of the sessions…. The LEaRN team from the University of Melbourne organised an interesting session where the focus was industry and academia collaboration around educational […]
Transitions17, where education and architecture meet
Going beyond the traditional borders, be it education and pedagogy, architecture or geographical borders was the red thread of the Transitions symposium, the traveling ‘roadshow’ of the ILETC project when it came to London and Regent’s University for the first ever European edition (full program here). The world we live in is changing rapidly and […]
London calling for acoustics! Reflections from international acoustic conference, ICSV24
Summertime is acoustic conference time! They all seem to be clustered during a few months globally, which makes summer time rather intensive if you want to cover as much and many as possible. For me, my colleagues and Ecophon, the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) in London, United Kingdom (23 – 27 July […]
The hottest acoustic conference this year!
The 12th ICBEN (International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise) Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem was held June 18-22, 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland. The congress targeted everybody interested in the vast field of auditory and non-auditory effects of noise. The “tropical” Zurich?! I arrived on the Sunday in “tropical” Zurich and was […]
Blending academia and industry to benefit children with hearing loss
Acoustics is a broad subject and as a researcher, it can be easy to forget to occasionally lift the head, straighten the back, breathe and take in the surroundings. The EU-funded iCARE project (Improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation) aims to promote inter-disciplinary research to benefit hard of hearing children and has been running for three years now. In order to […]
Transitions Symposium – Inhabiting Innovative Learning Environments
The first of a series of three worldwide symposiums took place in Melbourne earlier this month. The Melbourne ILETC Transitions Symposium – “Inhabiting Innovative Learning Environments Symposium” was organised by Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change (ILETC) research project and occurred the day after the ILETC project Annual Partners meeting. I attended and gained a lot […]
Danish study: 97% of hospital staff are sometimes disturbed by noise
Danish study on healthcare facilities. Presentation day Today I had the pleasure of attending a presentation day at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) arranged by the Electro Department under the title: Acoustic Technology & Centre for Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems. The speakers were mainly PhD students and Postdocs and the topics varied from ‘Loudspeaker Array Auralisations […]
The Problem With Acoustic Simulations
Predicting sound absorption is in general troublesome. We have too many definitions; e.g. normal incidence, random incidence, field incidence, angle-dependent absorption coefficient, local-reaction or extended reaction absorption coefficient, etc. Another problem is that there are various standardised methods, but none of them can give an absolute truth. Cheol-Ho Jeong, Associate Professor at DTU, was one […]