Noise has always been seen as a challenge in workplaces, but its impact on decision-making—especially in experience-based judgments—is not yet fully understood. This article looks at two research studies that explore how noise affects decision-making and the practical implications of their findings. Why room acoustics matter in decision making Efficient decision-making is essential in workplace […]
After a full 50 years, Slovakia has a new acoustic standard!
Slovakia has a new STN 73 0527 acoustic standard that can finally improve conditions in schools! The new updated STN 73 0527 acoustic standard deals with room acoustics. In schools, universities, and spaces used for cultural, sports, social and public purposes. It aims at ensuring better quality and healthier acoustic conditions. New acoustic standard highlights […]
Coffee chain premises noise data gathered by Soundprint
This interesting noise survey can help inform those looking for coffee chain premises which are most conducive for a good conversation. Crowdsourced data has been gathered by the pioneering Soundprint in the USA via their Soundprint App measuring the sound levels when customers visit with the App activated. Rolling data can inform consumer sound preferences […]
Dissatisfaction with noise strongly related to the perceived fit of office
Many research studies investigate satisfaction with indoor environmental quality in offices. In their study, Jenni Raduni and Valtteri Hongisto from Turku University examined the influence of office types and satisfaction with indoor environmental quality factors on different activities’ perceived fit. The study was based on a large global dataset consisting of more than 82,000 respondents […]
Classrooms beyond the minimum acoustic standard found to significantly reduce school noise and disturbance
According to the study, additional sound absorbing materials – e.g. acoustic panels, carpets and soft furniture – play a significant role in creating calm and pleasant learning environments. In a study published in 2023 by Turku University of Applied Sciences. It was found that the noise generated in the school environment from the activities of the […]
Sound in schools and its impact on learning and teachers’ wellbeing
New wellbeing report captures the results of a pan-European survey conducted by European Schoolnet under its Future Classroom Lab initiative. This Teacher wellbeing survey was available to educators in 13 languages between February 2023 and June 2023. It investigated the current state of school acoustics across Europe. The aim included understanding better what secondary school […]
Classic Acoustics and Psychoacoustics – Similarities and Differences
Right after the grand opening of EIAS 2023, it was time for Alice Hoffman Senior Acoustician, PhD from Brekke and Strand, to make her entrance. She took us on a journey to see how Classical Acoustics can be compared to Psychoacoustics. Her own thoughts on this are that it often seems to be a lot […]
“Find your Quiet Place” campaign – SoundPrint strives to make the world a quieter place
SoundPrint has a user-based community who play a vital role in raising noise and hearing health awareness through their “Find your Quiet Place” campaign, sound level measurements in visited venues. Late last year, SoundPrint’s second annual “Find Your Quiet Place” (FYQP) Challenge concluded and data gathered makes interesting reading. The campaign inspired participants to measure […]
Teacher Survey: Sound in Schools and its Impact on Learning and Teachers’ Wellbeing
The Future Classroom Lab, collaborating with Ecophon, have launched a teacher wellbeing survey around the topic of sound in schools. The particular focus is on the impact of classroom acoustics on educators’ work, physical and mental health. If we want schools to provide children with the best possible preparation for life, we need to ensure […]
Case study: Psychological and pedagogical counselling centre no. 19 in Warsaw
Psychological and pedagogical counselling centre no. 19 (PPP19) is a place that assists children and their parents living in the district Ursynów in Warsaw, including children from nearby schools and kindergartens. The centre helps in reaching the right diagnosis about e.g. language, memory and intellectual abilities and supports children’s mental development. The number of patients […]