For many years, research has shown that good room acoustics is crucial in learning environments and the discussion is no longer whether good room acoustics is to be prioritized or not but rather what indicators should reach what levels. Rasmussen et al [1] give an overview of the trend in reverberation time criteria for classrooms […]
Noisier teaching methods pose serious challenges for classroom design
Teaching methods shape the classroom sound environment Teachers of today have the shared goal of maximizing student engagement whilst maintaining a controlled sound environment. This has resulted in decades of innovation in educational approaches, classroom design and acoustic standardization. When additionally considering the influence of advancements in technological tools which have further augmented the field […]
Better performance during the teacher training sessions – highlights need for good school acoustics!
Case study: How acoustics dramatically improved the teaching facilities at training centre for teachers CESIRE, Barcelona, Spain Above: dBplus Acoustics explaining acoustic improvements One good thing leading to another The idea behind the collaboration between CESIRE, dBplus Acoustics and Ecophon came about after Ecophon hosted a knowledge seminar in Barcelona which shared a local case study […]
A sound environment for learning – is a must have!
NBCS Sydney Focusing on learning rather than teaching, changes almost everything we know about a school set up and organization but it is not an easy change. By Mie Guldbaek Broens, I work with observing, studying and developing educational environments that are changing from a system where predominantly teaching is taking place, to an organisation […]