One of the most common questions that you will hear in active room acoustics is: “what would be the best reverberation time for my room and how do I get there?”. The counterquestion needs to be: “what do you want to do in your room?”. And therein lies one of the common problems for room […]
Modular operating rooms provide good acoustics for surgeons
Lego construction for operating rooms Modular operating rooms are being seen more and more on the market. It takes less time to get it up and running compared to a traditionally built hospital. It´s cost-effective, time-saving, and can be taken down and moved when it´s not needed anymore. However, it can negatively affect acoustics due […]
New study: C50 should be included in standards for elderly care facilities.
What are good acoustic conditions in elderly care? Recently, a new study in an elderly care home in Denmark was finalized. The motivation for this study conducted by the two Architectural Engineers Cecilie Søgaard Petersen and Stine Sonne Nautrup was that we see demographic changes all over the world and this also means that the […]
Great acoustics in operating rooms!
Noise in hospitals Noise levels have steadily increased in hospitals over the last >40 years, both daytime and nighttime [1]. The noise level in operating rooms can be particularly difficult and research shows that this may affect the ability of the staff to perceive proper oral instruction; it also affects their perceived stress and well-being. […]
Diffuse sound fields in healthcare facilities?
Diffuse sound fields – calculate right! Some years ago Saint-Gobain Ecophon published a new tool for calculating room acoustics. The tool makes it possible for the user to see both Sabine calculations on reverberation time, speech clarity, and room gain. It makes it possible for the user also to see calculations based on air flow […]
Acoustics affect staff in the OR
Introduction Sustainable working environments include good room acoustics but working in and operation room (OR) can be a challenge. Due to hygiene regulations and demands the surfaces are often hard and reflective and this leads to high sound pressure levels, bad speech clarity and long reverberation times. The Study At Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark […]