Communication Stress levels run high in the emergency department. Mistakes are unacceptable. Patients’ lives depend on the skill and focus of the emergency medical team. Clear, precise communication is invaluable, so the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck, Germany, decided to create the optimum conditions for it. Patients’ lives depend on the skill and focus […]
Acoustic guide for design of French Kindergartens, Day Care Centres and Nurseries
The French National Noise Council (CNB) has published a guide for designers to nurseries, kindergartens and Day Care, to help them take better account of the sound environment in these institutions During the 7th National Conference on quality of the sound environment in Lyon, Segolene Royal, Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, expressed the […]
New Polish Acoustic Standard
7 years after the first discussions and 5 years after the first working group meeting at the PKN (Polish Standarisation Committee) the Polish Standard PN-B-02151-4:2015-06 is now published. It is the first standard in Poland setting demands concerning room acoustics in public use buildings, mostly in office, educational and healthcare premises. The first part of […]
Do classroom acoustics work for today’s activities?
Recent and ongoing debates about the PISA Study Results and educational outcomes in Sweden have led to a focus on the suitability of the acoustic environment for today’s teaching and learning activities. Some renowned Swedish academics have questioned the suitability of present day classroom acoustics for today’s education and suggest a different room acoustic approach […]
New digital magazine about healthcare acoustics
A new digital magazine about healthcare acoustics, the ECO for Sustainable Design – Healthcare edition, has recently been released. Available via Google Play (and soon App Store), this digital publication is choc-a-bloc with case studies from the healthcare sector. It can easily be shared with friends who work in healthcare professions and others interested in […]
School canteens in Sweden creating acoustical food for thought!
“After a full morning at work, would you choose to eat your lunch right beside a busy highway?” Perhaps there would not be many takers for a seating arrangement like this, however, a recent study by Sveriges Radio (SR – Sweden’s public service broadcasting organisation) showed that over one in four of the school canteens it tested had […]
Sound Environment improved in NICU at UZ Leuven
The sound environment was improved in one of the bays in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Leuven when installing acoustical islands. NICU The NICU has an innovative design focused on improving conditions for both staff and patients. The general layout is based on 3 interconnected bays. Each bay has 12 single-unit patient rooms […]
Acoustic Design of Schools – performance standards (UK) New BB93
In order to demonstrate the new changes to BB93 Acoustic Design of Schools: Performance Standards, Ecophon UK commissioned Adrian James Acoustics to produce this video auralisation, which has been endorsed by NDCS, The National Deaf children’s Society. BB93 Part 2 (Guidance Notes) will be released June 2015. For more information, or a BB93 CPD, contact Shane […]
Inaudible low frequency sounds may damage our hearing
A recent study by neurobiologist Markus Drexl and colleagues at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany, found that the ear may be temporarily more prone to damage after being exposed to low-frequency sounds and Markus Drexl was quoted as saying “Even though we haven’t shown it yet, there’s a definite possibility that if you’re exposed to […]
TABS Expert Meeting – Sound of Cool filmed presentations now available!
Keynote speakers: Susan Roaf of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh / Andrew Parkin of Cundall, UK The filmed presentations from the recent TABS Expert Meeting held on 25-26th September near Helsingborg are now available here. TABS stands for Thermally Activated Building System and is a design engineering approach for maintaining good thermal comfort in buildings, although unfortunately […]