This investigation show an increased occurrence of hearing impairment among school and preschool (kindergarten) staff. Since the noise exposure in schools is indeed high, it seems important to decease sound levels in Swedish schools.
(Summary in Swedish)
(another summary in Swedish)
The goal with this investigation (Carl Hogstedt, Greta Smedje, Robert Wålinder, Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden) was to examine if the work as a teacher and the noise exposure in schools leads to a higher risk for hearing impairment and tinnitus, sound sensitivity and vocal problems.
Audiometric measurements show an increased occurrence of hearing impairment among school and preschool staff.
25% of the respondents said they have a hearing impairment, 21% said they have problems with tinnitus, 29% said they have voice strain and 18% hoarseness.
Noise exposure during a working day varied from 65 dB to 78 dB LAeq.
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Article in Swedish newspaper on this research: