…They must sound good too!
The National Deaf Children’s Society NDCS has published a summary of the latest findings from the UK survey “Do schools sound good?” We posted information about the survey this in June, if you are interested in the latest summary please click here
Here is an outline of points the NDCS has called on the UK Government to take the action on;
1. Introduce a mandatory requirement for pre- completion testing in all new school buildings.
2. Publish the results of the tests.
3. End the practiceof opt-outs to BB93 through the use of of alternative performance standards.
4. Review and audit the quality of acoustics in new school buildings and commit to annual monitoring.
5. Ensure that new designs, such as open-plan teaching spaces, will not be pushed through without ensuring that high quality acoustics can still be achieved.
For the full action points, please read the full survey summary mentioned above.