The Week of Sound took place from 14th to 19th of January in Paris. It is a yearly event and serves as a platform for a wide range of exchange on acoustics, sound, auditory health and musical expression. As part of this week Yoan Le-Muet, Concept Developer Office was on air three times during that week.
One of them was an interview on RFI, French radio for international news in English language, the 17th of January http://www.english.rfi.fr/france/20130117-reduce-noise-reduce-stress
Another was a debate on France Culture, one of the national radio channels. The topic is “Sound in public places”. The one hour program was hosted by Michel Alberganti, scientific journalist and producer of the show Public Science. It was broadcasted on Friday 11 January but is still accessible at http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-science-publique-les-lieux-publics-sont-ils-trop-bruyants-2013-01-11
And the third was reportage and interviews in the morning show on the national Radio France Inter, the 16th of january. http://www.franceinter.fr/emission-grand-angle-la-semaine-du-son-met-l-accent-sur-le-bruit-perpetuel-des-villes