”Good evening, good morning or good afternoon…”
– that was how Internoise 2020 was kicked off today Sunday the 23rd of August at 20.00 KST – live on youtube for the whole world to attend. For the first time ever Internoise is held as an e-congress and The Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering (KSNVE) have done an amazing job to make it all happen in a new format.
640 abstracts, 800 participants, 40 countries
The I-Ince President Robert J. Bernard was declaring the conference for open via Zoom and he was expressing his gratitude to the Korean committee who has had very little time to convert the congress into an online congress. Mr. Bernard himself had been looking forward to visiting Korea – maybe to explore what ‘Gangnam style’ is – but he also mentioned that this new format could give new opportunities.
Binge watch like Netflix!
Despite the new format more than 470 pre-recorded videos and 130 posters from different areas are now available together with all the abstracts and papers for all the participants on the conference web-site. This amazing streaming service is available until September 6th – so as Mr. Bernard mentioned, you can binge watch presentations like your favourite TV-series on Netflix! There will be no conflicting sessions where you have to choose what to watch.
Mr. Bernard thanked also all the presenters and paper contributions recognizing that chances were taken along the way by the people submitting their work; Nobody could predict what would happen with the conference because of COVID19.
Mélanie Nolan wins Young Professionals Grant Competition

The Vice President of I-Ince Patricia Davies presented an overview of technical activities also mentioning the young professionals grant competition.
She was VERY impressed by this group and we recommend you to remember the name Mélanie Nolan who is one of this year’s winners. Her contribution is titled: “A method for measuring the angle-dependent absorption coefficient and surface impedance in situ” and in the paper she is proposing a method for measuring the angle-dependence of the surface impedance and absorption coefficient in situ (i.e., in a conventional room).
Mélanie is working as a postdoc at the Technical University of Denmark (Department of Electrical Engineering) and despite her young age she has already shed light on shortcomings of traditional measurement procedures in reverberation chambers. In February 2020 she published an article in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America called: ”Estimation of angle-dependent absorption coefficients from spatially distributed in situ measurements”.
Read another article about Mélanie’s work here.
E-congress – also in real time
During the conference a lot of real time presentations will take place and we are impressed by the work done by the organisers. We are looking forward to the technical sessions starting tomorrow!