On the 22nd of April, news about the importance of acoustics in elderly care was broadcasted on Dutch national television.
Jikke Reinten
Jikke Reinten, a Concept developer for Healthcare, was on the news, click this link (skip forward and watch the acoustic relevant film from 21.37 mins).
The interview is in Dutch but below is a summary of the interview:
As more than half of the people living in elderly care facilities are hearing impaired, it is important to pay more attention to good acoustics. It starts with an example of a newly built elderly care facility in the Netherlands where acoustics got the attention it deserves. Jikke explains on-site how sound and acoustics affect us. As an example, the effect of sound levels on heart rate is mentioned. Nicole van Hout, a researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) shares with us just how large the influence of sound is on humans. Then, with a specially made sound file, the people at the university let the viewers experience the difference in speech intelligibility in good and bad acoustics for elderly people with hearing impairment.
Research in Elderly Care
The goal of the current research at (amongst others) the TU/e is to measure the effects of good acoustics on the well-being of elderly people. This topic has for a long time underestimated.
Jan de Laat, an audiologist at Leiden University confirms this saying; “it occurs very often that people do not want to admit they need hearing aids!” Jikke summarises the main message, adding; “The biggest mistake we make is not to be aware of the importance of good acoustics. Architects and builders should consider the effect on sound and acoustics in every design decision that is made”.
For more info contact Jikke Reinten