Five reasons acoustic consultant is NOT a weird job Could Trump be right?! Is it all fake news? Acousticians. It’s time to close the ranks and unite. Our profession has come under fire! The Independent ranks Acoustic Consultant as the second weirdest profession in the UK. The audacity! Here are our top five reasons why working […]
Simplifying acoustics
Acoustics can be confusing, here’s how to simplify it For someone that is new to the world of acoustics, going to a conference like Internoise can be an eye-opener in terms of the width of disciplines that’s included under the umbrella of acoustics. Acoustic Bulletin focuses to a large degree on room acoustics, and we […]
Sound and the senses at the centre of the design process
It’s refreshing to see an architectural graduate student who has used sound and the senses as key components that drive the architectural concept. Those of us who work in the industry are far too used to seeing acoustics being considered late in a project or not at all. In this article, we hear from Ashlea […]
Our podcast goes In Pursuit of Silence
Sound can be described as having an “invisible presence” but is this negative or positive? If your neighbour is having a party and you want peace and quiet, your perception of the sound you are hearing is very different from theirs. Within this fifth podcast, we discuss how silence can be the means for us […]
UNESCO hosted ”The sound for a new urbanism” conference
Each year in France “The Week of Sound” / “La Semaine du Son” pulls together a series of events that constitutes a vast range of knowledge, practical know-how and information about sound and the importance of the quality of the sound environment. It has a transversal – cultural, medical, industrial, educational and economic – approach and is recognised to […]
Study: How do wall absorbers impact room acoustics?
Practical advice to optimise the use of wall absorbers A wall-to-wall acoustic ceiling is a common solution in many buildings and room types of today. But a wall-to-wall ceiling sometimes just is not enough to create good acoustics – there can be a need for more sound absorption on the vertical surfaces. Normally, the acoustic […]
Most promising conferences 2017!
UPDATE 170126: Thanks to the wonderful people on Twitter we’ve added a few more events, see below. December is here and it’s time to take stock of the year that’s been and look ahead. A year filled with knowledge sharing and great conversations 2016 for our part included many interesting presentations, seminars and conferences, and equally, […]
EIAS2015 Special: Four presentations on room acoustic descriptors
In the world of room acoustics, technical objective descriptors exist making it possible to measure the acoustic quality of spaces. These technical descriptors correlate to human experience – how we perceive sound. When we know or can predict the room acoustic quality we can also somehow assure that people get a good working, healthy and […]
Restaurateur: noise influences your plate!
We have all been through the experience of the really, really noisy restaurant. These restaurants you run away from, after using all your energy to keep up with the conversation until the main is finished. Don’t even think about dessert. The next time you are going to a restaurant, just take a quick look at […]
Celebrating the anniversary of EIAS2015!
A year has passed by since the Ecophon International Acousticians’ Seminar (EIAS) was held in Sweden last year. The conference offered a range of speakers from a multi-disciplinary background, who all had (at least) one big thing in common: an enthusiasm for improving architectural acoustics. “I had no expectations of what this would be like. I found […]