There’s an important difference between music and speech. The brain is capable of “filling in” a fair amount of missing information in music. There’s a high degree of predictability. Generally while hearing music, if you didn’t get the bass line or some part of the song which you are keen on listening in the first […]
How about raising awareness about the need to check our hearing!
The theme for the upcoming World Hearing Day 2019 is “Check Your Hearing”. On the 3rd March the WHO (World Health Organisation) will draw attention to the importance of early identification and intervention for hearing loss. Many people live with unidentified hearing loss, often failing to realise that they are missing out on certain sounds […]
Are restaurants and bars too loud in New York City? Landmark case study….
An evidence-based study to raise noise pollution awareness was presented last month at INTER-NOISE 2018 in Chicago by Gregory Scott, Founder of SoundPrint. This is, according to the Abstract: The first large-scale study conducted on sound levels, using the novel SoundPrint smartphone app, of more than 2250 venues in New York City shows that the average […]
Artistic aspects of Architectural sound – Master Thesis by Tim Elfström
We asked Tim to give us a summary insight into his recent Thesis which he has completed as part of a collaborative Lund University study report with Ecophon. Tim is a qualified architect (Arkitekt MSA), has just recently completed his Master Thesis at Lund and is now a consultant helping other architects understand and include […]
Euronoise 2018 – A cochlea in the floor carpet caught my eye
Euronoise 2018 was a great acoustic event, and we at Acoustic Bulletin are proud to have covered 6 sessions on room acoustics in particular. This is the last post written by our development engineer, Heléne Sallenhag – she has covered the session 18:3 – Voice accommodations in room acoustics and noise. How much would you spend […]
Euronoise 2018 – Room acoustics
Our editor Maria Quinn, Concept Developer for Healthcare in Sweden, attended Euronoise in Crete – and here are her main takeaway points from the session: Room Acoustics. Poster NOISE IN NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNITS: A SHORT REVIEW, by C.Carvalhais, M.V.Silva, J.Silva, A.Xavier,J.Santos Noise affects newborns and worker in NICU rooms. Most of the noise is […]
Euronoise 2018 – Reduce Noise to Improve Life
This year Euronoise was held in lovely Crete (close to the Knossos Palace) from the 27th to 31st of May – and in the impressive surroundings more than 700 delegates from all over the world attended more than 50 structured sessions in total. Room acoustics were on the agenda every conference day and this article aims to […]
Room acoustic descriptors – RT, C50 and Strength/ Gain
Reverberation (RT) time still remains the primary indicator of room acoustic response and RT is also known to be the only demand/descriptor in building regulations for room acoustics in healthcare facilities, schools and day care centres and offices. However, previous work and research for many years has shown that RT alone can be insufficient to […]
The effect of scattering in rooms with acoustic ceilings
Rooms with acoustic ceilings Today we see a lot of public rooms with acoustic ceilings – and that is good! But in these rooms especially the reverberation time and speech clarity does not only depend on the absorption material in the room. Scattering plays an important role for the room acoustic design and therefor furniture […]
Input data – how do we predict room acoustics?
Calculation tools Recently a new acoustic calculation tool has been published. It is based on Air Flow Resistance (AFR) and calculates several room acoustic descriptors. This article aims to explain why calculations based on the Sabine equation are not always the whole truth. Background – Sabine and ISO 3382-1/2 A long tradition of research shows […]