More and more, acoustical performance of buildings is described in standards and norms. These are useful documents for expressing requirements and expectations regarding the acoustics. Here is a short overview, gathering standards addressing single building types as well as more general standards (in order of publication). All of them are available in English (original or […]
“Change focus – noise is not a killer”
Reported live from Ecophon 5th International Acousticians’ Seminar Søren Peter Lund, Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Occupational Health in Denmark, was the keynote speaker at the seminar. He started talking about the growing concern about noise in the society, showing a model that basically treats noise as a toxic compound. Lund’s view on […]
Room acoustics tool added to Finnish Standard SFS 5907
Annex H is now added to the original version of the Finnish Standard SFS 5907, previously described in Ecophon Acoustic Bulletin and initially published 2004. Annex H is informative and estimates the amount of Class A resp. Class C absorption material needed, as a percentage of the surface area of the space, with respect to […]
European Directive bans excessive reverberant noise
The European Directive on Construction Protection against noise applies to all buildings occupied by people. A specific paragraph addresses Reverberant Noise and how to handle it. Intesting is the use of equivalent absorption area. extract from the Directive below: Protection against excessive reverberant noise “The noise within a room is a function, on the one […]
Room acoustics developments pointed out at Euronoise last week
The Euronoise room acoustics session included 7 lectures last wek in Tampere (Finland). Important developments are taking place in that field. Promising! Highlights from the session – Rooms with ceiling treatment are not diffuse. Traditional, Sabine based relationships between reverberation time and sound pressure level do not apply. New calculations methods are needed, taking into […]
Breakthroughs in standardisation in Nordic countries
Nordic requirements and recommendations for acoustic conditions in buildings is a review document (in Swedish) It provides a snapshot of the situation in the begenning of the 2000’es in the Nordic countries and reflects the large efforts put since then to create and improve standards for building performance. A large part of the documents quoted […]
Reverberation time vs. amount of absorption in DIN 18041
German Standard DIN 18041 “Acoustical quality in small to medium-sized rooms” includes a table called “Guideline values for the free ceiling and wall surface areas to be covered with sound absorbers as a multiple of the room basic area (…)”. The table Download file presents for different room types the amount of sound absorbers to […]
New Finnish standard specifies sound conditions in buildings
The Finnish Standards Association published end of 2004 a new standard on acoustics in buildings. SFS 5907 (”Acoustic Classification of Buildings”) can be referred to when expressing acoustics requirements for most types of buildings. The standard is also meant to be an education tool in acoustics for architects and clients. Besides acousticians’ experience, the guide-lines […]
New Finnish standard specifies sound conditions in buildings
The Finnish Standards Association published end of 2004 a new standard on acoustics in buildings. SFS 5907 (”Acoustic Classification of Buildings”) can be referred to when expressing acoustics requirements for most types of buildings. The standard is also meant to be an education tool in acoustics for architects and clients. Besides acousticians’ experience, the guide-lines […]