ISO 22955:2021 Acoustics — Acoustic quality of open office spaces This newly released international standard focuses on open office spaces. Office spaces are notoriously difficult to design from an acoustic standpoint. ISO 22955 will provide much needed clarity and guidance for acoustic designers. By dividing the activities of office work into subcategories and detailing all […]
Irrelevant speech is a risk for your health
In offices, noise control should be a priority as unwanted sound causes stress. Continuously elevated stress levels are a health risk. Turku University of Applied Sciences and University of Turku have conducted the first Finnish medical study on the physiological, psychological, and performance effects of irrelevant speech. Office noise consists primarily of this kind of […]
Design Dive: Open Offices – Part 1
Is the open office a thing of the past? How can verbal communication be the main reason for its existence and simultaneously its biggest acoustic problem? We give you the answers and the solutions in this series on acoustic design of open offices. In this three-part Design Dive series, we, as always, bring you both […]
New research summary available – Impact of noise in the workplace
This recently released research summary is a result of a literature review of about 193 studies and presents the most relevant findings on how noise affects people in the workplace. The studies were selected on the basis of scientific quality and as a representation of certain aspects of the impact of noise. This post will […]
Open-plan offices and viruses – What are the acoustic implications?
The nature of work has changed, and with it, the way we design offices. But how will this change the sound environment of future offices and what does it mean for the acoustic design of workplaces? By far the space layout with the highest risk of infection in the modern office is the various […]
Neurodiversity – should acousticians be paying attention to this topic?
There is ever increasing acknowledgement of the need for diversity of thought within all spheres of society. When it comes to the workplace, understanding more about this topic and how people on the edges of the spectrum can be better supported within workplaces, will contribute to evolving organisations into more inclusive environments. “Neurodiversity” refers […]
Design Dive: Rooms Fit for Video Conferencing
It has been predicted again and again that video conferencing would become a ubiquitous part of professional life. Now, it seems it is here to stay, but there are still work to be done before this technology can live up to its full potential. Never before have so much professional interaction taken place remotely, through […]
Seeing sound: Psychoacoustics of work and play – Learning sessions in the time of Covid-19
The global Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the way we live and work. Connection is both far more challenging due to social distancing measures, and also far easier because of the connectivity that is provided through the internet and digital platforms. Everywhere one looks, there is another previously face-to-face activity that has been moved online […]
Diversity at Internoise 2019 – Top 3 presentations
Half way through Internoise 2019 in Madrid one thing is clear: It is a buffet of knowledge! From sessions on ‘Architectural and building acoustics’ to ‘Environmental noise’ to ‘Noise and health’ (and everything in between). Internoise, Euronoise, ICA etc. are always the places to go if you need new inspiration and today especially three really […]
Sound workspaces for emotional intelligent people
The speed of change in the workplace of today is enormous. Technology is the catalyzer. The shift on how global top companies are looking at the workforce is here. Artificial Intelligence have already taken over the work of intelligent people. The emotional intelligent is in pole position! Tasks as, gather & analyze the data, interpret […]