How we react to sounds, for instance in the form of music, depends on and is filtered through aspects such as the environment, our genes, and not the least, our previous experiences with music. Music that is important to us is usually, and quite naturally, music that we have heard in the past. Let´s look […]
Room Acoustics play an important role in healthcare efficiency
Room acoustics is an important factor to create sound, healing environments. Having a proper indoor climate can raise productivity by more than 15%[1] For more than a decade, ‘Evidence-Based Design (EBD) has been part of our DNA regarding building healthcare facilities. When it comes to the indoor climate we know that lighting, air quality, and […]
Healthcare and hearing impairment
People who are cut off acoustically from the external world not only lose their hearing, they are at risk of becoming socially and intellectually isolated. The less stimulation the brain receives, the more quickly its capacity diminishes[1]. Hearing impairment is connected to more than just hearing. Hearing loss and mental health Research all over the […]
A good hospital is well built!
The population is aging, we are living longer and new methods of treatment are constantly emerging. Growth is sought in the productivity of nursing care and the skills it requires will be more demanding. This creates pressure to build resilient, functional, and technology-efficient hospital buildings with a long technical lifespan. Good facilities, their indoor climate, […]
Acoustic standards in hospitals – overview and thoughts
This is the world – we need acoustic standards! The Danish Cancer Foundation has concluded that traffic noise can lead to breast cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The Danish Ministry of Environment concludes that 500 Danes die every year because of traffic noise – because of diabetes, stress, and cardiovascular diseases caused by noise. The Danish […]
Our visual focus (part 1) – Ocularcentrism
It is often stated that modern society is overly focused on the visual. But is this true and why is it even important? And when it really comes down to it, aren’t we mainly just visual beings or are we missing something here? We hear it again and again, sentences like: “We are visual creatures,” […]
Acoustic measurements: affects on cognitive testing of patients
To investigate what impact room acoustics have on staff and patients an intervention study with acoustic measurements was done in a dementia clinic in Århus, Denmark. The study was part of a BA project at The Technical University of Denmark[1]. The room that was used for the study was an office where the doctors do […]
Age-related hearing loss and acoustics
Age-related hearing loss affects almost all of us as we age. Good acoustics can promote not just hearing but also the ability to function and well-being. A calm acoustic environment benefits all of us, whatever level of hearing we have, but it is particularly important for those with hearing impairments. The most common cause of […]
American healthcare acoustics research presented at ICA 2019
Healthcare acoustics on the agenda What a privilege to attend ICA this year. Not only were we invited to a concert in the cathedral of Aachen but in the healthcare acoustics session, we had the opportunity to explore research from all over the world. Including 3 American papers on both noise reduction in neonatal care, […]
International Congress on Acoustics 2019
The German Acoustical Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, DEGA) hosted the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics in the beautiful and historical city of Aachen in September 2019 The technical program included plenary, distinguished, invited, contributed, and poster papers covering all aspects of acoustics. There was also an extensive technical exposition highlighting the latest advances […]