Soundproofist Soundproofist is a great blog and podcast universe about noise and acoustics issues driven by Cary Norsworthy and on the website, she states that ”Noise is a power struggle. Noise creates conflict. Conversely, acoustics is an art. And learning what makes acoustics sound great is a skill that each of us can learn.” – […]
Covid-19 facilities and acoustics
Test Centers in Denmark White tents show up around Denmark – and have been since March 2020. Covid-19 test centers and treatment facilities around the world have been part of our lives in the last months and almost everywhere temporary healthcare facilities are needed. In some countries, Covid-patients have to get treatment in alternative hospital […]
Hospital corridors – how do they sound?
Standards in Europe Standards and guidelines for room acoustics in healthcare are lacking in general and very few countries have mandatory regulations in this field. And even in countries with guidelines for other public buildings (e.g. schools) healthcare standards – and particularly detailed standards including corridors don’t exist. Just to mention a few – Czech […]
Noisy dental clinics! Research presented at Internoise 2020
Internoise 2020 in Korea was held as an e-congress and the committee made it possible for all the attendees to access papers and pre-recorded presentations whenever they wanted to. An impressive platform with papers, presentations, chat rooms, videos, e-exhibition, and sponsor opportunities was open for 2 weeks and a lot of excellent material was accessible. […]
Effect of sound on nurses’ task performance
It is no secret that the effect of sound in healthcare can unfluence people negatively. Various studies over the years have shed light on how care and cure of patients get difficult if the sound environments are not supporting the activities. Patients suffer Patients are affected by sound levels in hospitals – and over the […]
New podcast: Sound without walls
One of our editors, Andrea Harman, has had the opportunity to discuss in a new podcast how room acoustics play an important part in biophilic design. Sound without walls. Our hearing is often key in our perception of the world around us; it helps us to interact, communicate and be aware of what is happening […]
Great acoustics in operating rooms!
Noise in hospitals Noise levels have steadily increased in hospitals over the last >40 years, both daytime and nighttime [1]. The noise level in operating rooms can be particularly difficult and research shows that this may affect the ability of the staff to perceive proper oral instruction; it also affects their perceived stress and well-being. […]
Effect of room acoustics on sound-field steady-state response (ASSR) measurements
PhD defense, effect of room acoustics Thursday the 28th of May 2020, Valentina Zapata-Rodriguez defended her PhD at DTU. Because of the Corona situation the PhD defense was planned to be online (on Teams) and I am impressed by the way Valentina handled this. Normally, you can interact with the audience and the committee in […]
Prevent arousals and awakenings in hospitals
In search of a noisy environment? Visit a hospital. Studies show that noise levels are high due to operational activities, communication, alarms, and noise from medical equipment, along with structural sounds from the building (such as ventilation and closing doors). Already back in 1859, nurse Florence Nightingale declared how “unnecessary noise is the cruelest abuse of […]
Diffuse sound fields in healthcare facilities?
Diffuse sound fields – calculate right! Some years ago Saint-Gobain Ecophon published a new tool for calculating room acoustics. The tool makes it possible for the user to see both Sabine calculations on reverberation time, speech clarity, and room gain. It makes it possible for the user also to see calculations based on air flow […]