The human perspective where the subject on the 2 days of presentations and workshop which were held in Stockholm 16-17th of June. Hosted by Ecophon and IFMA Sweden a mixture of disciplines where participating in this crossboarder knowledge spreading session. The subjects and speakers where: Office psychology, Stress Reactions and Health- Aram Seddigh, Stress Research […]
Acoustics on the Agenda at European Facility Management Conference
In the beginning of June, Acoustics were on the agenda at European Facilities Management Conference, EFMC Berlin 2014. Key message to the FM industry; Spread the word about the importance of good acoustics and the added value acoustics can bring to the organisation. This year Ecophon hosted an Round Table session and Rainer Machner from Ecophon made […]
Welcome to Care for Sound, a healthcare acoustic event
On October 17th the Sound Environment Center at Lund University, in collaboration with Ecophon, puts a spotlight on the handling of sound environments in healthcare. Via an interdisciplinary symposium on the sound environment, healing, and healthcare in Lund, Sweden. Care for Sound. Care for Sound We have gathered an interdisciplinary collection of renowned researchers, and […]
Video interview with sound book author Anders Mildner
Anders Mildner, a Swedish musician, journalist and author, has written a nice and accessible book about sound (currently only available in Swedish), and it headlines the London blackbird that rose to fame as it sounded just like an ambulance. Acoustic Bulletin met up with Anders in his office – and made a film where he […]
Interview with Wolfgang Babisch
The Lund University Sound Environment Center hosted the “Noise and disease” symposium in Lund, which featured presentations background and present status of noise research (see more info here). Sara Holmqvist, concept developer and Acoustic Bulletin editor took the opportunity to talk to key note speaker Dr Wolfgang Babisch about his research from the early stages […]
Noise and disease symposium – what we know and what we need to know
Acoustic Bulletin would like to highlight a symposium on noise and disease arranged by the Sound Environment Center at Lund University on 12 april 2013. The symposium aims to give an updated overview of recent research on health issues in connection with noise exposure and cardiovascular diseases. It will feature several key researchers in the […]
Critically ill in the sound intensive ICU
The conception that critically ill patients are too ill to reflect on their sound environment in the intensive care unit needs to be revised. This was one of the conclusions Swedish researchers made in a qualitative study on patient experiences of their stay in intensive care. Patients gave vivid descriptions of how they both felt […]
Emotional stress may affect sound perception
(photo by Camilla Svensk) A fresh article by researchers including Dan Hasson (picture) at Karolinska Institute and the Stress Research Institute in Stockholm, Sweden concludes that emotional exhaustion in women affects their sound perception in a negative way. The sample of subjects were taken from SLOSH (Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health) and followed up […]
Common hospital sounds affect patients’ sleep phases
An American study has looked more closely at the effects of typical hospital sounds on sleep. Sleep phases Different hospital sounds were played at sound levels varying from 40 dB to 70 dB and during different sleep phases. The probability of arousal varied with sound type, sound level, and sleep phase. Less surprising higher sound […]
CleanMed conference on healthcare and sustainability
26-28 September 2012 Healthcare without Harm organized CleanMed – creating healing environments – conference on sustainable healthcare. The conference gathered healthcare providers, sustainability organizations, and medical and building material suppliers to discuss and share successful initiatives from many different perspectives. The topics included diverse presentations from wastewater management to how to communicate internally to engage […]