The human perspective where the subject on the 2 days of presentations and workshop which were held in Stockholm 16-17th of June. Hosted by Ecophon and IFMA Sweden a mixture of disciplines where participating in this crossboarder knowledge spreading session. The subjects and speakers where:
- Office psychology, Stress Reactions and Health- Aram Seddigh, Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University
- Extroverts and Introverts – Dr. Nigel Oseland, Workplace Unlimited
- Activity Based Offices- Wiviane Eidsaunet, SIR / MSA Spectrum Architects
- Sustainable Acoustics – Peter Rogers, Partner, Sustainable Acoustics
- Activity Based Acoustic Design – Paige Hodsman, Ecophon UK and Ireland
- Workspace sustainability – Pelle Halling, Sustainable Asset Manager at EFG
Increasingly, we are seeing the spread of evidence-based design across all sectors. The exponential growth in and access to reliable scientific workplace research in the past 10 years has changed the decision making process in architecture and design forever. We now have access to information which provides a better understanding of the effect of the materials we use on people and the environment. In light of the evidence from science in recent years, sensory architecture is becoming an even more important consideration in the workplace. Within the realms of sensory architecture lies the psychological aspect of people and their perceptions. Furthermore, the effect of sound on people in the workplace is a critical, yet often misunderstood or ignored sensory consideration. For full program, clikc here.