Image: SoundEduTalks YouTube
Mairi Johnson, (above) Deputy Director with the Education Funding Agency in the UK, giving her presentation which was filmed at the first “Sound Education” event in London – brought to you by Ecophon. Mairi reinforces the importance of acoustic standards in the Priority School Building Programme, and outlines government plans for school construction, including the reduction of legislation.
Mairi states that; “within a reorganising of UK Government regulations applying to school buildings which involves a reduction in the total number of standards from 24 down to 8, acoustics will remain and apply to all schools all of the time.
The acoustic conditions and sound insulation of each room or other spaces must be suitable, having regards for the nature of the activity which normally takes place therein. So it hangs on the definition of what is suitable for what you are doing at a particular place with a particular group of people at a particular time.
School acoustic conditions will provide; good sound quality, enable people to hear clearly, understand and concentrate in whatever activities they are involved in. Minimal disturbance from unwanted noise such as activities in adjacent areas, teaching equipment, ventilation fans or road traffic.”
The next “Sound Education” events are in Stockholm, Munich and Copenhagen over the next few months where four-time speaker at TED talks, Julian Treasure will speak at all four events.
The Sound Education events aim to;
• Raise the awareness about the importance of acoustics in Education.
• Encourage and engage debate especially with teachers, students and parents
• Encourage clients and building users to involve acousticians early in the design process.
The event in London was attended by The DfE, teachers, media and a cross section of construction professionals and was considerably oversubscribed. However, if you missed it, we are delighted to announce that all the talks are now available on YouTube – brought to you by Ecophon. Look out for TED speaker, Julian Treasure and Prof. Trevor Cox, voice of acoustics on the BBC and Adrian James presenting the recently launched Essex Study.
Also, take a look at Julian’s latest TED talk uploaded two weeks ago “Why architects need to use their ears” if you haven’t already seen it.
If you feel this issue is important to the education and well-being of students and teachers alike, please feel free to share the talks via your preferred social media links.