7 years after the first discussions and 5 years after the first working group meeting at the PKN (Polish Standarisation Committee) the Polish Standard PN-B-02151-4:2015-06 is now published. It is the first standard in Poland setting demands concerning room acoustics in public use buildings, mostly in office, educational and healthcare premises.
The first part of the standard sets demands for rooms designed for speech communication (e.g. classrooms, lecture theatres, conference rooms). In this case two criteria (to be fulfilled altogether) are established: maximum Reverberation Time (RT) and minimum Speech Transmition Index (STI) values are outlined. Their values vary depending on room type and volume. There are also special requirements for rooms for early education, language teaching or destined for people with hearing impairment.
The second part is based around dedicated rooms where noise levels are a main priority (variety of rooms from swimming pools, through school corridors to call centres). Demands here are split between maximum RT and minimum equivalent absorption area related to room floor area.
Standard also contains guidelines for RT and STI measurements and informative appendices explaining method of rooms’ absorption calculations and guidance on equivelant absorption area.
The Standard was published in Polish, click here to read at PKN on-line store.
For more info,please contact Mikolaj Jarosz